Our legal firm is performing the following activitiesto give legal consultation on concrete legislative issues and to provide assistance and services at the request of citizens and legal Services of giving legal consultation Services of providinglegal assistance For both legal consultation and legal assistance we offer you a choice of one-time services or comprehensive package of services depending on the request of the client.Please get acquainted with the information on our legal consultation and: ADVOCACY SERVICES’, Advocacy service means to participate in the certain types of adjudicating proceedings by performing an advocate’s functions at the request of citizens and legal entities and to protect their rights and legitimate interests within the existing legal framework.Our firm is providing advocacy services in the following types of cases and adjudicating Adjudicating proceedings of disputes at the Constitutional Court; Adjudicating proceedings of the civil cases in a court Adjudicating proceedings of administrative cases Criminal procedural proceedings National and international arbitration proceedings Resolution of civil legal disputes by non-judicial procedure /reconciliatory Providing advocacy services in the adjudicating proceedings of the types of thecases and disputes mentioned above is considered a comprehensive professional legal assistance. The services vary depending on the stage of the proceedings of the particular case when involvement of the firm started and on the type of the participant of the case who receives the services. Services of giving legal consultation One-time legal consultation The highly knowledgeable and competent lawyers of our firm are providing services of giving legal consultation orally or in writingon concrete legal issues raised by the clients. You will be able to get oral consultation by coming to our legal firm office.You can get written legal advices to any questions you want to ask by entering to the Services of providinglegal assistance Services to render legal assistance include such activities as developing texts of documents with legal consequences, drawing legal opinions by performing legal analysis of certain issues and performing activities with concrete legal consequences on behalf of the client at the client’s request.
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